2009-03-06HiTi News
HiTi and Impuls Join Forces to Enter Card Printer Market in Europe
Being among the world leaders in photo printers thanks to a strong established network of professionals, HiTi is now also penetrating the plastic card market based on its high quality products. HiTi has just signed a strong partnership with Impuls to cover France, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovaquia, Czech Republic and the Balkans region.
With extensive sales network and proven experience as a distributor throughout Europe for over 15 years, Impuls can deliver all round valued-added services and implement innovative marketing strategies to help HiTi to achieve its strategic objective of establishing a strong presence in European market. HiTi is renowned for its high-quality card printers and photo printers, and the company is confident to meet the rapidly growing market in Europe, while consolidating the HiTi brand in the European market and bring success to the partnership.