
How do I use Prinhome to set up peer to peer (Ad-hoc) & Network (Infra Mode)?

Ad­-hoc (peer to peer) mode:

Please turn on your smartphone Wi-Fi and connect with the printer using the following steps:

1. Select and connect with the printer (here the SSID Prinhome-0CCEC6 is an example of a default printer name)



2. Click on the gear icon on the right hand bottom corner to enter the setting page



3. Click “Printer Settings”

(The page would not load if the connection between hand-held devices and printer is terminated.)



4. Click Ad-hoc Wi-Fi Settings





5. In this page you will see “Wi-Fi SSID” and “Password”.

(a) Wi-Fi SSID: . Your printer’s Wi-Fi SSID will be displayed here. User is able to change the Wi-Fi SSID as preferred.

(b)Password: You can set a password for your printer or leave it blank, please note that the password must be 5 or 13 digits.

Remember your password and apply it to the printer.



6. A message will pop-out the when the settings are completed.



Infrastructure (Network) mode:

Make sure your printer firmware is updated to the latest version in order to use this function.

Please turn on your smartphone Wi-Fi and connect with the printer using the following steps:

1. Select and connect with the printer (here the SSID Prinhome-0CCEC6 is an example of a default printer name)



2. Click on the gear icon on the right hand bottom corner to enter the setting page



3. Click “Printer Settings”

(The page would not load if the connection between hand-held devices and printer is terminated.)



4. Click Infra Wi-Fi Settings



5. Select “Enable Infra Mode” and “Wi-Fi SSID”& “Wi-Fi Password” input will be shown at the bottom of the page.

The Wi-Fi SSID and Wi-Fi password here is intended to be set as a connection between the printer and a router/hotspot which are capable of bridging with the internet or a limited access point.


Simply select an available router, and set the connection between the printer and the router first.


Fill in the router name and password then press “Apply to Printer” for the printer to make the connection.

(The router’s Wi-Fi SSID are case-sensitive, make sure you input the SSID and password correctly, SSID can only be in English)


A message will pop up the when the settings are completed.


6. Your printer is now connected to the router. Next, have your hand-held device connect with the router, so you can select the printer via hand-held device under the same environment.



7. Select desired printer model and printing method.



8. Select photos to print



9. Choose any type of photo finishing then click the printer icon.



Set back to Ad-hoc mode

Before setting printer back to Ad hoc mode, please make sure the smartphone and printer are both connected to the same router, and stay under the same environment.

1. Click on the gear icon on the right hand bottom corner to enter the setting page



2. Click “Printer Settings”

The page would not load if the connection between hand-held devices and printer is terminated.)



3. Select infra Wi-Fi Settings



4. Select “Disable Infra Mode” to switch the printer back to Ad-hoc mode (peer to peer mode) and apply to printer.



5. Turn on the Wi-Fi and make sure the printer is back on the list.